If you have sudden onset, severe headaches, disrupting your activities of daily living you must consult a neurologist. Headaches can be of a variety of types, and have different modalities of treatments. It is better to get yourself checked up by a professional. New onset headaches may warrant the use of some type of imaging services too. Most headache treatments last for 5-6 months, along with lifestyle changes.
Weakness of limbs or face
In case you develop, weakness on one side of the body, that is the arms and the legs, or you develop facial changes such as asymmetry, or find your facial appearance changed on looking in the mirror, you should consult a neurologist. There is a possibility you’ve developed a brain stroke or a brain attack or may be paralysis. The rapidly increasing weakness of both the legs is also one of the neurological entities and must be seen by a professional before it spreads upwards.
Sleep Disturbances
They say, a healthy lifestyle helps the person to sleep better. If you’re facing sleep problems, do visit a sleep center. Lack of sleep can affect your lifestyle in a number of ways. Sleep disturbances include difficulty in falling asleep, or getting up a number of times after you’ve slept, nightmares, sleep talking, difficulty in getting up from sleep, or reduced sleep time.
You Start Forgetting Things in the past
We all know, that as one gets old, his memory weakens. But if this happens at a younger age, it is a sign of illness. Visit a specialist for memory loss, forgetting simple things like names of people, addresses, basic calculation difficulties, behavioural difficulties, lack of concern for others, decreased interest in the surroundings etc. Many a times people forget their home address, their own telephone number, whether they have eaten their meals or not.
You have difficulty in maintaining your balance
There are many parts of the human brain which control balancing and help in maintaining your posture upright. Any disease or damage to these parts can cause you to lose your balance, sway while walking, and feel giddy. Visit the neurologist for these complaints. If this complaint starts all of a sudden, brain imaging to rule out a stroke is necessary, else many anti vertigo medications play a role in helping one improve the positional vertigo.
Visual Problems
Choosing the right glasses frame can transform your look by complementing your face shape and enhancing your features. Whether your face is oval, round, square, or heart-shaped, the ideal frame style can make a significant difference. For tips and insights on selecting the perfect frame for your unique face shape, visit a web store like Glasses Online.
Visual problems such as strabismus can be partly due to the eye disease and partly due to brain disease. According to https://glassesspecsdirect.co.uk/, the nerves supplying the eye may be damaged as a part of neurological disease process and warrant a consultation with the neurologist.
Brain imaging and eye nerve testing are some of the investigations needed. It’s best to see Robbins Eye homepage for a comprehensive range of services, experts dedicated to helping you maintain or regain the vision that keeps your world in sight! Cheap prescription glasses can be bought conveniently at https://lowcostglasses.co.uk/. You can also order your eyeglasses at cheap glasses online for a faster and smoother transaction.
If you suddenly start having these problems, there may be a possibility of acute brain stroke or acute brain attack. Decreased vision, blurring of images, or black spots in front of the eye are some examples of visual problems that you may face. Visit https://www.glasseshut.co.uk/ for accurate prescription eyeglasses.